Wednesday, April 28, 2010


In the movie Food Inc. there were many problems in this world I got to learn about. These problems were not only about food but also about the animals used to make the food, and the people who are affected by it. A lot of the food that we eat now is not naturally grown for example tomatoes are harvested, and sprayed with efilin gas so they can ripen on the way to the store thereare being transported to. Companies are hidding where our food comes from. Restaurants are now kind of like factories all of the workers are doing the same process over and over again just like a machine in a factory would do.

Animals like cows, chickens, and pigs are being fattened up way quicker then they normally would, that way they could be killed sooner. They inject them with all kinds of hormones. In a clip of the movie we saw that the chickens were growing so much faster but their bones and their organs could not keep up with that. they did not grow as fast as the chicken got fat, this caused the chickens to loose the ability to walk we saw the chicken take a few steps and then in plopped down on the floor because it could not hold its own weight.
The major companies who run some of the food industry practice their power, I saw that the farmers were controlled by the companies because of their debt. Farmers borrowed $500,000 a year and only made 18,000 a year. I don't think that us very good for them but they are indebted to these companies and cannot do anything about it.

People are affected by all of the meat that is being produced because they eat a lot of it. they are becoming obese and a lot of them are getting diabetes. we used to have thousands of slaughter houses and now there are only thirteen and they handle all the meat, that is not for the quality of the food. people buy the unhealthy food because it is way cheaper.
Immigrants get jobs as meat packers this sucks because they get paid very little and in the end they are treated like criminals when the companies arehe ones who hired them all in the first place and nothing is happening to them

my question would have to be: would people even care enough to change the process we are in?
to make it better for themselves? or would they just let not do anything which would lead to their destruction?

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