Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Climate Change and Biodiversity

This is the first website I got good information from. I think it was good because I read that climate change is an" integral" part of an ecosystem. It also says that some ecosystems have already been affected by climate change, it said, "The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reviewed relevant published studies of biological systems and concluded that 20 percent to 30 percent of species assessed may be at risk of extinction from climate change impacts within this century if global mean temperatures exceed 2-3 °C (3.6-5.4 °F) relative to pre-industrial levels (IPCC, 2007)." This shows that some species may be at risk of becoming extinct especially that ones that are already at risk.
1) "Ecosystems and Biodiversity | Climate Change - Health and Environmental Effects | U.S. EPA."
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Web. 10 Feb. 2010.

This website gave me good information on how climate has a already had effects on biodiversity. It says that there has been a lot of climate change due to human activity especially the burning of fossil fuels. This is a quote from the website "We can already see many direct impacts on biodiversity, and other threats may be made much worse."
2) "Climate change is already impacting biodiversity." BirdLife International - conserving the world's birds. Web. 10 Feb. 2010. .

In this article I read a bout a study that actually show that there has been a change in biodiversity this says, "This is the first demonstration that climate change is affecting the distributions of tropical insects, the most numerous group of animals on Earth, thus representing a major threat to global biodiversity."
3) "Global Impact Of Climate Change On Biodiversity." Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology. Web. 10 Feb. 2010. .


Biodiversity are all the living things on this earth and they all live in different types of climates. They have different environments there are accustomed to. If there is a sudden change in climate those animals are at risk of surviving. It may also be a problem for humans because we depend on the natural resources in different ecosystems and with he climate change some of those resources may not be available for us to use this could. Climate change can make the range of the species increase, some of the living things would adapt to the new climate and they would kind of evolve into something a little different. I learned that humans are a big part of climate change due to the burning of fossils fuels. The burning of fossil fuels does not help the environment. Climate change has been happening over the years but now it is happening at a way faster ate than it ever did. In one of the articles I read it said that "At the species level, climate change affects particular species in different ways. It may alter their distribution, abundance, behaviour." It can also change ints genetic composition. The timing of imigration and breeding would also change since there are certain cyles that happen in the world depending on what season it is climate change would make that very different. In a study that the University of York has made it shows that there has been an effect in biodiversity. In this study they noticed that the animals moved up higher to be in cooler condition because the environment they were once in was no longer suitable for them. They had to move up to where they felt they could actually live. Since these living things moved up higher they have less land to live in and they don't have ase many resoucres to live on, some of these species may actually die off.


  1. I think you did good research and i can see that by reading your reflection because i understood everything that you wrote as well as asked you clarifying questions to parts of the text that i didn't understand and you were able to answer the question without hesitation. I think that if you want to talk about fossil fuels to go more into depth and explain what it is, how it is affecting the plant, and what we can do to stop this issue because some people may not even know what fossil fuels are and what not.

  2. Your blog entry was really interesting to read. I thought you explained everything really well and made it easy for readers to understand.

    I like how you explain that certain species don't just extinct but evolve to adapt to the new situation, that can lead to a whole new species.
