Thursday, January 28, 2010

Plant Write-up

*I would like to plant a peach tree

*You can grow a peach tree from a seed or you can buy preferably a one year old tree from a nursery

*Peaches need a lot of sun and should be located in good air flow

*it is best to plant peaches in early winter, i found that this is good because it gives the roots time to establish and it will be able to make it through the new spring growth.

*Peach trees require a constant supply of water

*if you are planting the one year old tree there is a certain way you have to do it, you have to make sure you plant it with the bud onion sticking about one inch above the soil, because if you plant it to deep the plant can be injured or killed.

*I found that you should prepare the soil one or two seasons before planting, this gives you enough time to test the pH of the soil and determine the adjustment that must be mad to have thew proper amount of nutrients and organic material.

*A peach tree requires sandy soil that is rich in organic materials

*It is recommended that materials such as compost, manure, grass clippings, and leaves are mixed in. Doing that will greatly improve drainage, texture, and nutrient content

*The peach tree is native to China

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

what I think

When I read this article I was very surprised by all of the information I learned from it. There hasn't been a food problem in a long time but now it seems that it has gotten worse. We must step up as leader and show people that this is a problem. One major thing that has changed would have to be that Health Care prices have risen "from 5 percent of national income in 960 to 16 percent today." That is not a good thing people are struggling so much to pay for health care and all of theses food prolems are not making it any better instead thy are getting much worse. health care has risen because the fpur top killers are chronic diseases caused by a bad dit. People are aeting all of theses cheap foods in great amounts. A lot of people choose to buy the cheaper but unhealthy food. According to the article food is a national-security issue, but they do not see that there is a problem that is why nothing had been done.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I am not sure if anyone in my family was ever interested in agriculture, well I'm sure my family in Venezuela grow many different kinds of things so that they can eat. I am interested in agriculture it seems like a great learning experience. in this class I will be able to grow thing I want then harvest them. When you grow other things you are keeping something alive if they are not in their natural environment. You bring them somewhere where they are not naturally from but you are keeping it alive. In order to do so you have to have knowledge of how to take care of them. These things that are grown can be part of things that you eat every day. You keep them alive and they do the same to you, that is something that is cool about it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


What is one thing in the natural world you are curious about?

Something I am curious about would have to be, the reasoning behind certain species becoming endangered species. What are the causes of them becoming endangered. Do they not reproduce enough, are there some kind of illnesses they are facing. There might be some things we don't know about yet and these different species are disappearing from the earth. Is that a good or bad thing? I don't exactly know because there are other species of animals that were here before us and they are no longer here, but then a new species is born. Maybe it is just a cycle and they are only meant to be on earth for a certain amount of time. Maybe humans are the cause of some of these animals becoming endangered species.